Linking HTML iFamily pages to iWeb site

General discussion on the Generation of HTML Web Pages
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Linking HTML iFamily pages to iWeb site

Post by genmom4 » Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:45 am

After spending the better part of three days attempting to add my beautiful iFamily HTML pages to my iWeb site, I must admit defeat.

Can someone advise me as to whether or not I can actually add the files to my iWeb page? I use an FTP server.
Here is my website address: ... lcome.html

I have made every attempt to find the iWeb html pages on my computer to attempt to edit them, but the Domain file does not let me open the pages to edit them in html.

I would appreciate any help that anyone has to offer.
Thanks so much!

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Location: Cornwall, England

Post by NigelRichman » Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:53 pm


You cannot actually add the iFamily webpages into your iWeb site but you can add a link in iWeb to whatever address you upload your iFamily pages to.

To insert a hyperlink in iWeb use the Insert... Hyperlink menu item at the relevant part of the iWeb page and select &#39An external page&#39 on the Inspector. You can also select &#39Open in a new Page&#39.

As you have found, iWeb does not hold the pages in HTML format but generates it from the XML content when you publish the site.

Hope that works for you.


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