gedcom import doesn't connect people properly

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gedcom import doesn't connect people properly

Post by Paul » Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:04 pm

I have received a gedcom from a correspondent and imported it into iFamily. I am having some issues with it.

While importing, it generated a long list of errors and exceptions - not necessarily unusual. But, more importantly, all the records seem to be disconnected. If I bring up a person, I get their information OK, but the parents are described as "Father of 1234567" and Mother of 1234568" where 1234567 is the mother and 1234568 is the father - without any details. And both the father and mother are present in the file and can be displayed if I search by their name (and they appear in a similar way). In other words, there is not a displayable tree at all.

I wonder whether this is a function of the application that generated the gedcom in the first place, or there is some formatting information in the gedcom that I can edit to resolve this problem. Or perhaps the size of the gedom (3.9MB) might be an issue. Here is the gedcom header:
1 SOUR Legacy
2 VERS 7.5
2 NAME Legacy (R)
2 CORP Millennia Corp.
3 ADDR PO Box 9410
4 CONT Surprise, AZ 85374
1 DEST Legacy
1 DATE 19 Feb 2013
1 SUBM @S0@
1 FILE C:\Legacy\Data\PaulFryer190213.ged
2 VERS 5.5
0 @S0@ SUBM

Does anyone have any ideas how to overcome this problem, and get all the people properly linked? What additional information can I provide to help?


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Warwick Wilson
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Post by Warwick Wilson » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:59 pm

Hi Paul,

Normally these "Father of" records are generated when a FAMS records has Ident numbers that dont match up. In the following example perhaps @I533@ does not exist inthe personal records at the top of the file.

Code: Select all

0 @F587@ FAM
   1 HUSB @I533@
   1 WIFE @I371@
   1 MARR
      2 DATE 11 AUG 1915
      2 PLAC St Mary's West Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
      2 NOTE @EN2837@
   1 CHIL @I266@
      2 _FREL Natural
         3 _PROB 20 000000
      2 _MREL Natural
         3 _PROB 20 000000

I am happy to have a more in depth look at your file with some debugging turned on. If so, please email it to me, and I can investigate.


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