Cannot import gedcom created in Roots Magic

Issues and Discussions surrounding Gedcom and iFamily
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Cannot import gedcom created in Roots Magic

Post by JNG30047 » Sat May 13, 2017 2:14 am

I cannot import GEDCOMs created by Roots Magic. I get an error message "Unable to read the data in file". I get the error whether "using the UTF-8 decoder" or using the generic decoder.

Any thoughts on what to do?

I am able to read the GEDCOM when I import to Heredis 2017 and Reunion so I tend to think the problem is on the iFamily side - not the Roots Magic side.

It's not an insurmountable problem since I can work around it by importing the Roots Magic GEDCOM to Reunion and then having Reunion create a GEDCOM which iFamily reads just fine - but I'd prefer to import directly from Roots Magic if possible.

Any thoughts appreciated.


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