Migration to Windows

General discussion of iFamily for Leopard and Genealogy
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Migration to Windows

Post by astickler » Sat Apr 10, 2021 11:05 am

After 12 years, I have decided to move away from MacOS and back to Windows - does anyone have any recommendations on suitable genealogy programs to replace iFamily please? Also, what's the most reliable and loss-less way to export my data for iFamily for import elsewhere?

Sorry to be leaving.

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Re: Migration to Windows

Post by NigelRichman » Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:10 pm

Hi Andrew

No experience with Windows based family tree apps but I’m sure a net search will offer some candidates.

To transfer you need to export the whole database as a gedcom file along with the folder of pictures. iFamily will generate both at the same time in the iFamily data folder.

You would then have to import this data into the Windows app of your choice.

As long as they comply to the Gedcom 5.5 standard there should be no problems but checking things is always a good idea.

If the import has issues I would expect the app to advise you and provide some options as to where the data could be linked.

iFamily complies with the standard so it should be ok. I have done this with other Mac family tree apps with very few issues - usually with the app that was importing having to be bug fixed by the authors.



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