Literal Strings on UI
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 1:10 pm
iFamily in common with all application programs has Literal Test files that insert plain text messages into the user interface. One of my criticisms of iFamily is the "No Death Date" which appears at the final entry on the Events frame.
Recently I added a new born to my iFamily tree and was somewhat disturbed and ANGRY at this epithet, the healthy Baby was born after the Mother had suffered 3 miscarriages in as many years and to be presented with such a statement on a computer app was just too much for me
Possibly this nomenclature is a part of standard Genealogy terminology, but again some Web Based Trees do have options as to the living status of entries - Living, Possibly Living, Possibly Deceased, Deceased, Definitely Deceased.
iFamily is closed source and so simple text string mods are not allowed, does one have to be a Hacker to achieve anything ??
iFamily in common with all application programs has Literal Test files that insert plain text messages into the user interface. One of my criticisms of iFamily is the "No Death Date" which appears at the final entry on the Events frame.
Recently I added a new born to my iFamily tree and was somewhat disturbed and ANGRY at this epithet, the healthy Baby was born after the Mother had suffered 3 miscarriages in as many years and to be presented with such a statement on a computer app was just too much for me
Possibly this nomenclature is a part of standard Genealogy terminology, but again some Web Based Trees do have options as to the living status of entries - Living, Possibly Living, Possibly Deceased, Deceased, Definitely Deceased.
iFamily is closed source and so simple text string mods are not allowed, does one have to be a Hacker to achieve anything ??