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Recording Witnesses to Events eg BDM's

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:56 pm
by AlanC
I was wondering if a field can be added to record informant and witness names found on documentation, particularly those for Births, Baptisms, and Deaths. These can become invaluable when researching. Often they are previously unknown friends or distant relatives who played a part in a families life and can lead research down another path. I was thinking that the names could be included in the index and identified for what they are. Of course some would also be connected to an individual. At the moment the only place to record this information seems to be in the comments or notes fields.

Alan C.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:04 am
by firetruckred

Check out the "What's new" section in version V2.506. It is not yet released but I believe the "Associate Person" enhancement might be what you are looking for.


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:58 pm
by AlanC
:) Yep, look forward to release. Thanks.


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:03 pm
by Alprunty
firetruckred wrote:Alan,

Check out the "What's new" section in version V2.506. It is not yet released but I believe the "Associate Person" enhancement might be what you are looking for.

This will make census much easier to deal with. Roots Magic 4 is going to have this kind of system.

You enter an event for the first person... then add "share this event" or "Associate" to who you want to use it for.

In a census it's very handy... you enter the head of household... then each person in the household. Then you have a field that you can enter as the "role" the person played in the association... in this case you can enter Brother in Law, Wife, Daughter, Son, Mother, Sister, Boarder and etc.

If possible can you add a "role" field with the associated event so that when the events are generated in the stories it will show how that person is associated with the main person.



P.S. I'm new to mac and iFamily... and I must say it's totally re-energized my research.
