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Underline & Bold

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:31 pm
by Keith Wilson
Originally posted by madeleinesophie

Told you I'd be back! Just didn't think it would be this soon.

In Notes: After selecting a Title, word, paragraph, etc. in the Notes section, how do you Underline the selected item and underline it or make it Bold?


Underline & Bold

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:31 pm
by Keith Wilson
madeleinesophie wrote:Told you I'd be back! Just didn't think it would be this soon. In Notes: After selecting a Title, word, paragraph, etc. in the Notes section, how do you Underline the selected item and underline it or make it Bold? Thanks.
Hi Jeanne,

iFamily (as designed) can handle Rich Text in the Notes and Comments fields but it has never been implemented because the Gedcom 5.5 Standard does not permit Rich Text to be exported to a Gedcom file. You can however enter Rich Text into the Story Pane - but - none of the information in the Story Pane will ever be exported to a Gedcom file - in fact the only place a " Story" gets used is when it is exported to a word processor.


Underline & Bold

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:31 pm
by Keith Wilson
Originally posted by madeleinesophie

Okay. If I understand you correctly then, the features Underline and Bold in Notes, etc. cannot be used, because if you ever want to gedcom this file it won't transfer? Remember, my naivity.....


Underline & Bold

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:31 pm
by Keith Wilson
Originally posted by jillaine smith


You say that iFamily, as designed, can handle rich text (i.e., formatted text such as bold and underlined) in notes and comments, but you haven't implemented it (i.e.? you haven't " turned on the switch" that would enable US to use it, right?).

Assuming for the moment that you did implement it, when we would export our file to a GEDCOM, what would happen to that formatted text? Would it be " saved as ASCII" -- i.e., stripped of its code and return to " plainness" ? Or would it include ugly formatting code that would be visible in the GEDCOM in some ugly way?


-- Jillaine

p.s. Welcome to the Mac, Madeleine. I recently converted (it was actually a return after about 10 years), and I'm happy happy happy to be back on a mac.


Underline & Bold

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:31 pm
by Keith Wilson
jillaine smith wrote:Keith,

Assuming for the moment that you did implement it, when we would export our file to a GEDCOM, what would happen to that formatted text? Would it be " saved as ASCII" -- i.e., stripped of its code and return to " plainness" ? Or would it include ugly formatting code that would be visible in the GEDCOM in some ugly way?
Yes, it is easy to strip all the attributes and write is as plan text BUT when it is reimported to anywhere, including if it is reimported into iFamily than a lot of people are going to be very angry. One day soon, when the Gedcom Standard is updated to allow attributed (rich) text then I will turn it on.


Underline & Bold

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:31 pm
by Keith Wilson
Originally posted by jillaine smith

If it [plain text GEDCOM without formatting] is reimported into iFamily than a lot of people are going to be very angry.

You might want to do a bit of market research on that last assumption.

I never assume that when I import a GEDCOM that I'd get formatting. I understand that GEDCOM is plain text. So I would accept that if I export to GEDCOM that the resulting code " out there" is unformatted.

just my $.02 (which is probably not worth even that much given the plummeting dollar...)

-- Jillaine