Pictures by default stored in Pictures Folder

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Pictures by default stored in Pictures Folder

Post by Kirsten » Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:59 pm

I remember reading maybe about a year ago, maybe more, a post about the default storing of images in iFamily>Pictures folder.

The posting complained about not being able to set default storing of images to be elsewhere and also, as I remember, complained about name changes automatically performed in that Pictures Folder.

I would like to read the post again, but cannot seam to locate it via Search.
I would like to see if I could benefit from any of the comments in the post.

As it turns out I have stored my Pictures half in Pictures folder and half elsewhere. I am now debating which way to change for consistency and dreading doing it either way. (I see that if I move image files from one folder to another, clicking on the "mini-image" under a person's Pictures will no longer be able to bring up the image.)
Since this promises to be a fair amount of work, I'd like to think my decision through before action.

Any input - (or ref to previous post)?

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Post by NigelRichman » Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:16 pm

Hi Kirsten,

It looks as if the Search mechanism on the Forum is broken at the moment as I cannot get any results for any search.

Probably one for Warwick now that he is back. ;-)

It is possible to set up for ifamily to copy the pictures to the /Picture folder or just use a hyper link.

I do not know of anyway to update the link if you move the pictures from an external folder to the Pictures folder (or vice versa).

Again, Warwick may be able to help with this.


Posts: 87
Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:58 pm

Post by Kirsten » Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:17 pm

Thank you, Nigel!

I have been mulling this over and testing a few things.
I think I have been confused as to how the iFamily Picture file works.

To describe what I now understand about it:
When I drag a picture or document into a person's Pictures area, a mini-image shows and a copy of the file is stored automatically in iFamily Pictures file.
If I later drag in a different image, using the same name because I have forgotten that I already used it, I get no warning from iFamily Pictures folder telling me that it already stores an image by that name (and do I want to replace it?) - Instead it gives an extension to the name. That way the folder after a while looks very confusing to me since it doesn't reflect the names I expect.
What has further made my iFamily Pictures file a bit "messy" is that whenever I have removed or renamed an image in a person's Pictures area, I have not at the same time removed the now obscolete file from the Pictures folder.
The Pictures folder thus besides files with odd names contains a number of obscolete files.

With this new understanding, I am mending my ways in future and leaving past stuff alone and saying it is good enough.

So, I do not need assistance but posted the above info in case it might be useful for someone else.

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