generate list with cause of death?

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generate list with cause of death?

Post by camccli » Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:05 am

Hi, all.

Would like to export the causes of death for everybody in the database. An ancestors/descendants export has that information, but doesn't contain other people not in the direct lineage. Have had a look through the iFamily menus (including Events - I'd settle for it being a field I could add to one of those) and the forums here, but am not seeing anything like that. Am I just missing it?



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Re: generate list with cause of death?

Post by NigelRichman » Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:52 pm

Hi Cathleen,

When you say export do you mean a GEDCOM file export or are you using the Report .. Descendants... menu option.

If you mean the former then an export of the whole database would give you what you want other than it being a gedcom format file - Cause of death has an Event type CAUS.

If you are using the Report option then it does not seem to be possible to get all the database out.

Warwick may be able to suggest a database query which would give you peoples names and cause of death (plus other required items of info) but you would need to contact him directly.

If i have misunderstood what you are trying to do let me know.



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Re: generate list with cause of death?

Post by camccli » Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:35 pm

Hi, Nigel.

I don't really want a GEDCOM file (actually, that would work, but I'd have to hand-edit it - but if I have to do that, then I will). Didn't think about that.

I was referring to the Reports -> Ancestors/Descendants menu options. Those output all the info on the record for each person in the direct line, including cause of death, but there are others not in the direct lineage for whom I have that info.

Cause of death doesn't show up in:
- Reports -> Ancestors Chart...
- Reports -> Descendants Chart, nor is it an option to be shown in either of those.
- Events -> Dates, nor can it be added to that popup window
- Events -> Events by Subtype
- Web -> Generate HTML.
(Just had a look again briefly to see what I'd looked at yesterday; there may have been others as well.)

I'm looking for names and cause of death for everybody, to see if there's any pattern of health issues for the people for whom I have that info, is what. There may be commonalities amongst my aunts/uncles, great-aunts/uncles etc.

Hope that makes sense. Thanks!


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Re: generate list with cause of death?

Post by NigelRichman » Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:21 pm

Hi Cathleen,

Thanks for the clarification.

It would be quite a problem working from the gedcom export unless you could import into another app that could report as you want.

Hopefully Warwick is monitoring this and can provide some suggestions as to how to generate an extract of the database.

As you said, the current reports do not include all the relatives.

The Ancestors report does include the Cause of death in the same way as the descendants report so maybe you could find some people at the lowest level to cover the majority of your ancestors.


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