Wondering about the treatment of adopted children.
I added two children, 1 and 2, to a couple, Father and Mother. Then I clicked on the link between Father and 1 to indicate adoption.
When I look at descendants, I see both children listed under both parents. Excuse my ignorance of genealogical terminology here, but are adopted children descendants?
Adopted child only shows up under 'Extended Family' for both Father and Mother - the expectation being that we are looking only at the natural children of a particular marriage. And the diagram makes the existence of this relationship clear once you realize you need pay attention to both.
Part of my confusion arose because after I had entered the children I tried to find a column tag of some sort to indicate adoption - had to read the forum to figure out that this was set via the link in the diagram.
By the way, the new version is working smoothly with Yosemite to date. Knock on wood.