New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

If you are having difficulty using iFamily for Leopard.
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Kathy LPV
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New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by Kathy LPV » Tue May 03, 2022 6:02 am

Hi again,
I believe I posted in January about this problem in March. We got a new computer in January, a gift from our kids. So "Monterey" version 12.0.1. {Monterey was created in Oct 2021]. SO naturally, I came here to download the latest version. I did - & have multiple times from January 2022 [v 2.895 ? - which has a large white circle & a line through it] to May 2022 - But the iFamily had the version [DMG] for 12.2.1 when mine was 12.2.1 - But the program never opened on this computer. Actually, I did get into it once, but when I tried again a few minutes later, it did not open at all! & it hasn't opened since. My only saving grace is I kept the older computer & it works on it. [But it's aa pain-in-a-neck to go back n forth to add new data.]

In Applications I have 2 leaves - 1 is "iFamily for" [the leaf has a large white circle & a line going through it].
The other created Oct 2014, modified Nov 2021 [& today 3 May] it is v 2.12.0 - I also have 3 iFamily dmg: v2.9.4 2016. & dmg v 2.9.6 & v 2.12.0 dmg.
But when I click on the v 2.12.0 leaf "modified Nov 2021 [& today 3 May] - OR - the leaf on my doc, it opens a box: "Open" or "Show Application" or "Cancel" and this:
"You are opening the application “iFamily for” for the first time. Are you sure you want to open this application?"
& "The application is in a folder named “iFamily for Mac.” To see the application in the Finder without opening it, click Show Application."
- IF I click on "Open' Nothing happens. If I click on Show the Application the iFamily Box comes on with the leaf - with the arrow to move to Applications - which I've done dozens of times.
Yet clicking on either the leaf v 2.12.0 in Applications, or the one on my doc - does not open my iFamily Program ?!?

It's frustrating, I've tried everything I know to install & pull it up, but I still can't get into it. Is there a newer version than 12.2.1 out yet? I haven't gotten any answer about this - Am I doing something wrong here? Should I delete ALL on this computer & re do the download? Or just delete the oldest ones/ [ -But will deleting it them affect my other computer - since Monterey has deleted my my games on the other computer - though I haven't updated anything on it.]
Please Help . . . I don't want to loose all my data! And I don't want to use any other program than iFamily - it's perfect for me.

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Re: New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by NigelRichman » Tue May 03, 2022 11:44 am

Hi Kathy

The application you need to use is the v2.12.0 Leaf in the applications folder.

It sounds to me as if that application runs but has not loaded your iFamily database file.

As you have moved to a new computer it is possible that the database file is not in the correct location.

Where is your iFamilyData folder and the ‘your family tree’.ftksql file?

When installed iFamily puts the iFamilyData folder in the correct location for the new operating system- it changed a while back

If you can find your ftksql file and move it to the iFamilyData folder in Documents you should be able to get going once more.

Hope this helps


Kathy LPV
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Re: New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by Kathy LPV » Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:40 am

Hi Nigel,
Well, now Monterey is v 12.4 & I still haven't been able to get into it. It's a ? on my doc, not a leaf. So, from the other support forums I've . [from the iFamily v 2.12.0]. But I've never gotten any new notices about the latest updates.

Ok, you say I need to find the 'your family tree .ftksql file? What is that & how & where do I find it? According to my

Kathy LPV
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Re: New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by Kathy LPV » Mon Jul 04, 2022 8:19 am

Hi Nigel,
Sorry I didn't get back sooner, family problems. Now Monterey just went to v 12.4, & I still haven't been able to get into my iFamily. It's a ? on my dock, not a leaf. So, from the other support forums in June I've seen I guess you've updated since the latest version since iFamily v 2.12.0]. But I never got any notices about the latest updates. Since 2016 I had to change my email addy, which I did upload. My E-mail is - & Warwick has it. But again, they just did another update, Monterey 12.4

Ok, you say I need to find the 'your family tree .ftksql file? What is that & how & where else would I find that other than from the Applications & leaf on the dock? When I click on the dmg, move it to the application in the box, it goes to the dock, but when I click on the leaf on the dock, there are 3 listings of my tree as Lo Pinto Vignolini_Backup01.FtkSql - but ALL are still V 2.12.0. ??? [with 1 ROYALl92]

But according to my computer iFamily for Mac IS IN "Applications" - but still as v 2.12.0. I downloaded the first on 4 March, and again on 3 May 2022. I put the dmg into the folder, but as said, it didn't open back then. Then when I put it onto the dock it looks like a question mark. Actually I was able to open it, only once. I closed it & tried to get it again, to check something, but the progrsam wouldn't open & hasn't since. FYI, we brought all my data up from a Seagate 3 TB drive. [I've had a lot of problems with Monterey. It stinks.]

As I've said before, I'd gladly pay for the update, you folks deserve it, with all you've had to contest with over these passed 10 years, but how do I get the latest version? I can't find it on the web page. Good thing I still have my old computer, but thus far, I've had to use that to change data I found, by E-mailing myself the data, a royal pain-in-a-neck to do.
Vada con dio, Kathy LPV

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Re: New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by NigelRichman » Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:24 pm

Hi Kathy

When you say you moved the .dmg file to Applications I’m hoping you mean you double clicked on the dog file in finder and then moved the iFamily program into the applications folder but from your description I guess you did move the iFamily_V2.12.0.dmg file to applications

Find the dmg file and double click. This should open up a finder window with iFamily for and a red arrow pointing to an Applications folder. Drag the Leaf onto the folder.

Remove the question mark from the dock (drag it up the screen) and release. It should give a puff of smoke icon. Close the Finder window with the Leaf and eject the iFamily for Mac ‘disc’

In the Applications folder in Finder you should now find the iFamily for which you can drag the leaf icon onto the dock.

That should give you the app to run.

Hopefully that should get you going with your family trees once more.

Delete the .dmg file from Application folder.

Hope that helps


Kathy LPV
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Re: New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by Kathy LPV » Tue Jul 19, 2022 6:22 am

Hi again Nigel,
I did all you said to do, but AGUH!
1. Double clicked on the dmg & dragged it into the Applications folder in that box - i had gotten rid of the question mark before.
2. Then I found the leaf in Applications, & dragged it to the doc. & put the dmg to trash - there was nothing to show"eject"

Then You said to Close the Finder window with the Leaf and eject the iFamily for Mac ‘disc’
I did that from the screen too.

Then you say go back into the Applications Folder in Finder, find the iFamily for & drag it to the doc.
I dragged the leaf to the doc too, & I deleted the .dmg file from the Application folder & put it into trash l you can't just delete it].

But when I click on the leaf in the doc - it still won't open. & when I right click on the leaf in the doc, I get 3 different leaves with myBackup01.Ftk.Sql & the Royal 82.Ftk.Sql

None of those work either, nothing happens except that the leaf jumps, but the program does not open up.
Too, what I have is v 2.12.0 - Apple recently did another "update, it's now to 12.3.1. So what do I do now?

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Re: New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by NigelRichman » Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:53 am

Hi Kathy,

I assume you mean you are on macOS 12.4 with iFamily for Mac v 2.12.0

I don't know why the application does not launch when you click on it - It usually bounces and puts up a Menu bar with the options to load a family tree if it hasn't found one - or a requester to check for any update.

When you right click on the Leaf icon in the dock there should be a menu item 'Options' with a sub menu item 'Show in Finder'.

If you do that check in Finder that the version is 2.12.0 - This is shown in the 'Information' section under the leaf icon to the right of the file name (assuming you are showing files in Columns rather than list, Icon or Gallery)

If it is then I am guessing that the .ftksql files are not in the correct place though iFamily does seem to find them in the right click action you described.

In Finder click on the Search box (or magnifying glass) and enter .FtkSql and this should generate a list of the iFamily for Mac data files.

If you Right Click on the main family tree you want to find select the 'Show enclosing Folder' option. By default these should be in an iFamilyData folder within the Documents folder though it can be moved (I have mine in the iCloud)

Other than that I am running out of options as to what is happening so I hope this moves you forward.



Kathy LPV
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Re: New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by Kathy LPV » Sat Aug 20, 2022 8:14 pm

Nigel - Ok, it's been a while, but I'm SO Frustrated. I can get onto iFamily on my older computer - High Sierra, but Still, nada on Monterey, I plan to go to Apples Forum to put on another question about this problem.

Any ole who, as to your last notification I now have macOS 12.5 - they just updated it today to 12.5.1 !!!
1 - Yes my click on the leaf in doc, shows a listing - 3 of mine; 1 Royal. To the right of each of mine is "_Backup 01FtkSql"
2 - OK Options shows it in Finder: created 16 Oct 2014 / Modified 21 Nov 2021 / & "Last opened" 28 July 2022 [which it did, for 1 second!?!]
3 - It shows Version 1.12.0 Below the above - not - to the right of the file name
4 - In Search - I put in enter .FtkSql - but it shows "No Results Found" so No list of iFamily for Macmac data files AGUH!
- i Clicked on the leaf, it then "unexpectedly" quit,SO I reported it to Apple.
5 - Thing is I have 3 of my Family names - all "_Backup 01FtkSql" ? So I don't know how that happened, nor which is the "main" family tree
- NONE of these bring up the iFamily program - Two [2] jumps up & down, but neither open

So far, nothing I've tried, or your suggestions have worked. I can't understand how I could have downloaded the 12.0 early on & there's NO .FtkSql showing on my computer? AND I can't find where or how to download another iFamily for Mac on the site - which I'd gladly pay for, since I got it long ago & Warwick & all of you have worked So hard & long to keep up with the mac changes. But thanks for trying Nigel.

PS latest 'update" for Monterey today to 12.5.1 - only 1 month since the last one That makes 6 updates since January! Would that make a difference why it doesn't open? Am I the Only one with this problem?

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Re: New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by NigelRichman » Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:50 am


Strange that the finder search does not find any .ftksql files.

Do you have an iFamilyData folder in “Documents”? Or any where on the computer?

The Backup files are generated when you do a database merge (and possibly other times) as a way to protect your data.

Bottom line for me is if there are no .ftksql files then there is nothing to load. Maybe the files did not get copied when you set up the new computer.

Did you use Migration Assistant or some other way to set it up?

Your old computer is on High Sierra but I don’t recall when the file structure for storing user data changed. It could be that the iFamilyData folder did not get copied over or is in the wrong place.

Look on the old machine to find the ftksql files.

Also, don’t worry about the macOS updates. Apple release these to add features, fix bugs & provide essential security fixes. All good.

Hope you can track down the data files - it does work fine (with a few bugs to be fixed)

If you get nowhere I’m sure Warwick will be able to provide more help



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Re: New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by NigelRichman » Mon Aug 22, 2022 11:48 am


Minor correction to previous post.

The iFamilyData folder is un the User area by default not the Documents folder - though it can be moved using the move option.

I have mine in the iCloud area so that it can be shared between machines.

Still need to locate that folder and find the contents as they are what iFamily uses.



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Re: New Computer 12.3.1 NO iFamily?

Post by NigelRichman » Thu Oct 27, 2022 12:38 pm


I'm sorry you are still having issues with iFamily & macOS Monterey.

I am convinced something must have gone wrong with the transfer of data from your old machine to your new one when you initially set it up as I have had very few issues with Monterey or iFamily v 2.12.0

Did you ever locate the .ftsql files on the new mac other than the backup ones?

If you don't get it working under Monterey I do not see any prospect of improvement under Ventura (once Warwick fixes the current startup crashes)

Can you launch iFamily to start a new database?

Happy to help once you find the family tree files.



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