Alphabetizing in reports

If you are having difficulty using iFamily for Leopard.
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Alphabetizing in reports

Post by gerard35 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:04 pm

I am still having trouble with this topic.

I just generated a "Filtered People" report to list all persons in my database born before 1700 in France.

It listed the proper people, but they are alphabetized by their FIRST names rather than by their SURNAMES (i.e., all ANNS together, all PIERRES together, all MARIES together, etc.).

It would be much easier to work with if it was by surname. I want all JONES together, all WILLIAMS together, etc.

What am I doing wrong?

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Alphabetising in reports

Post by NigelRichman » Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:05 pm

Hi again.

I have quoted my previous reply at the end of this message but it really does depend on what you are trying to generate the report for and of.

The Filtered People report does only generate the list based on First Name so you are not doing anything wrong (as far as I can tell). It would require Warwick to make a change to iFamily so you may like to detail the requirements in the Enhancements section.

I would suggest you try the filtering in the People ... Index option as you can use the output in a spreadsheet and sort on a variety of things.



Which reports are you trying to generate as there are quite a few?

If you want a complete list of the database, the easiest way is to use the People... Index menu option and then generate the CSV file.

When you import this into Numbers or Excel you can then sort based on the column for Surname etc.

If that is not what you need, get back with more info on what you are trying to produce as a report & I (or others) will try to help.


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