How do I add more than 6 generations?

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Keith Wilson
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How do I add more than 6 generations?

Post by Keith Wilson » Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:26 am

The diagram in the top half of the main window is called a Context Diagram - it displays that part of the database which represents the " context" of the Focal Person. It displays the Focal Person and his/her parents, children and spouses plus the Focal Person's grandparents and great-grandparents.

You can also see the Focal Person's siblings (grandchildren, cousins, aunts/uncles, ...) by using a Right Click on the Focal Person and then select Siblings (Grandchildren, Cousins, Aunts/Uncles, ...) in the pop-up menu.

You will normally work with the Context Diagram set to 3 or 4 generations. If you have a 24" or larger screen then you may prefer to display 5 or 6 generations.

Within iFamily there many ways of promoting someone to be the Focal Person, here are a few of them:
  • Double Click on a person in the Context Diagram.
  • Cmd+Click on a person in the Context Diagram.
  • Right Click on a person in the Context Diagram and select Promote to Focal Person from the pop-up menu
  • Right Click on a person in the Context Diagram and select a child, parent, cousin, .. from the pop-up menu
  • Enter a string in the Search field at the RH end of the toolbar and then click on someone in the drop-down list.
  • At the LH end of the toolbar use the Previous Focal People drop-down list
  • At the LH end of the toolbar click on Index, then select someone and press the Focal Person button
You can also display up to 100 generations of people (2000+ years) in the Ancestors or Descendants Diagrams - use (A) or (D) on the Toolbar.

In iFamily Right Click is very important. You can Right Click on virtually anything (even the background) and get a pop-up menu. If Right Click does not work for you then have a look at FAQs in this forum at ... 1179117704


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