You can also see the Focal Person's siblings (grandchildren, cousins, aunts/uncles, ...) by using a Right Click on the Focal Person and then select Siblings (Grandchildren, Cousins, Aunts/Uncles, ...) in the pop-up menu.
You will normally work with the Context Diagram set to 3 or 4 generations. If you have a 24" or larger screen then you may prefer to display 5 or 6 generations.
Within iFamily there many ways of promoting someone to be the Focal Person, here are a few of them:
- Double Click on a person in the Context Diagram.
- Cmd+Click on a person in the Context Diagram.
- Right Click on a person in the Context Diagram and select Promote to Focal Person from the pop-up menu
- Right Click on a person in the Context Diagram and select a child, parent, cousin, .. from the pop-up menu
- Enter a string in the Search field at the RH end of the toolbar and then click on someone in the drop-down list.
- At the LH end of the toolbar use the Previous Focal People drop-down list
- At the LH end of the toolbar click on Index, then select someone and press the Focal Person button
In iFamily Right Click is very important. You can Right Click on virtually anything (even the background) and get a pop-up menu. If Right Click does not work for you then have a look at FAQs in this forum at ... 1179117704