I wanted to make two requests for the Sources Add/Edit menu:
* Can you make the form fields navigable by hitting the "tab" key? Other forms in the app (such as the Event list) have fields which can be navigated by hitting "tab". I use the Sources pane a lot, and it's a big source of frustration that I have to use the mouse to skip from one field to the next.
* Picture cropping with PDFs. I download a lot of newspaper clippings, and I prefer to save them as PDFs since the PDFs include citation information. When using these as sources in iFamily, I drag-and-drop a PDF into the picture pane. However, unlike JPGs, iFamily doesn't seem to support cropping the PDF preview. Could you change it so that it becomes croppable? Also, PDFs are currently displayed by stretch-filling the image window (the height is stretched to the height of the window, and the width is stretched to the width of the window. Aspect ratio of the original document is not maintained). Can you change it so that the aspect ratio is kept?